Fire D®



Once a fire has been put out and the mess has been cleaned up, finish the job by using FIRE D®. Because smoke coming from an intense fire is under pressure, it's forced deep into cracks and crevices, into and through porous materials. Smoke particles have an odor that haunts building owners long after clean-up, particularly when humidity is high. FIRE D® will kill the odor, like it was never there.
FIRE D® LIQUID, when used as directed and in sufficient amounts, will absolutely remove odors – even from charred wood and scorched rubber wiring. Unlike most BIG D® deodorants, FIRE D® LIQUID must be used full strength. It must not be mixed with any other product or diluted by water or any water solution. It is a strong product designed to combat strong odor problems – treat it with care and it will take care of your odor problem like no other deodorant product is capable of doing. FIRE D® LIQUID may also be used to kill such overpowering odors as decomposing bodies and flood residue. FIRE D® LIQUID works best when used in a microsol dispenser machine such as the ELECTRIC FOGGER MACHINE or ELECTROSTATIC FOGGER MACHINE.
Use FIRE D® ONE SHOT AEROSOL FOGGER to kill after-fire odors in automobiles and other small enclosed areas where a fogging machine would be awkward or electrical power is not available.
Safety Data Sheets (.pdf)
Fact Sheet (.pdf)
5 Gallon Pail and 55 Gallon Drum also available.